Basic First Aid For Pets

     Owners that have a basic knowledge of pet first aid are better able to give their pet a fighting chance in an emergency. Basic first aid skills can help keep your pet alive, alleviate pain and suffering and prevent further harm when transporting the animal to the veterinarian or hospital.
Do not panic, protect yourself from injury and prepare in advance
     When faced with an injured or severely ill pet, take a moment and assess the situation. Decide if there is danger of further injury to the animal or first aid giver. Ensure that you will not be injured, either by the surroundings or the animal. Determine if the pet needs to be moved immediately.
     How you approach an injured pet safely is important. Animals may respond to pain and fear instinctively and react with aggression. You cannot assume a docile pet will not bite. Try to remain calm and speak in a soothing voice. Towels may be used to cover the pet's head to make him feel safer while you transport him.
     When appropriate or required to avoid bites, handmade muzzles may be used. Use a strip of soft cloth, rope, necktie or stocking. Wrap around the nose, under the chin and tie behind the ears - make sure the animal is able to pant. Muzzles are helpful in avoiding bites. Prepare in advance by familiarizing yourself with the location and phone numbers of emergency animal care facilities.
Have an Animal First Aid Kit on hand
     An animal first aid kit can be bought or you can also make your own. If you decide to make your own animal first aid kit, make sure to include the following items. Check the expiry dates on all medications to ensure efficacy.
  • Pet first aid manual
  • Roll cotton
  • Cotton balls/gauze pads
  • 1" white tape
  • Elastic bandage wrap
  • Antiseptic cream
  • Scissors
  • Eyewash/eye ointment
  • Ear swabs
  • Tweezers
  • Oral syringes
  • Balanced electrolyte fluid
  • Plastic gloves
  • Pet thermometer
  • Instant ice pack
  • Muzzle

Basic First Aid Procedures
     All of the emergency situations listed below require veterinary care, but in cases when a vet is not immediately present, follow the first aid procedures described to increase your pet's chances of survival.
  1. Muzzle animal if required
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly, if possible
  3. With blunt point scissors, gently clip hair from margins of wound
  4. Clean the wound with a gentle stream of cold water
  5. Apply antibacterial cream or solution
  6. Wrap large wounds to keep them clean. Apply pressure to profusely bleeding wounds
  7. See your vet as the wound may become infected and require antibiotics
     For external bleeding, apply firm direct pressure to areas with a thick gauze pad until bleeding stops. If you suspect your pet has internal bleeding, check for symptoms that include bleeding from the nose, mouth, rectum, coughing blood, blood in urine, pale gums, collapse, rapid or weak pulse. Keep your pet as warm and as quiet as possible.
    Shock often accompanies severe injury or extreme fright. Check for symptoms that include weak pulse, shallow breathing, nervousness, and dazed appearance. Keep your pet restrained, quiet and warm. If your pet in unconscious, keep its head level with the rest of the body.
      For chemical burns, muzzle your pet first to avoid being bitten. Flush burn immediately with large quantities of cold water. For severe burns, muzzle your pet and then apply ice water compresses onto burn area. Bring your pet to the vet immediately.
     Signs of choking include pawing at the mouth, gagging, drooling, and difficulty breathing. Force your pet's mouth open, pull tongue forward and inspect mouth and throat. If your pet is cooperative, grasp with pliers and remove. For small dogs and cats, if the object is lodged hold your pet with its head down and hind quarters elevated and give 3-4 sharp taps to the chest.
For large dogs, stand over the dog with arms around the body, just behind the last ribs. Make a fist with other hand and exert a quick, forward and upward thrust. Repeat. Perform mouth to nose respiration if necessary.
Mouth to nose respiration
     To perform mouth to nose respiration, first clear mouth of any foreign object or vomit. Clamp your pet's muzzle with closed with hands. Exhale into your pet's nose at a rate of 12-15 breaths per minute. Combine with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
      To give your pet CPR, first lay your pet on its side on a flat surface then hold muzzle with one hand and begin mouth to nose respiration. Place heel of other your hand on the chest wall behind the shoulder to apply cardiac massage. Compress chest wall rhythmically at 60-80 times a minute. For small dogs and cats, place fingers under the chest wall then place thumb over the chest and compress chest from both sides.
     The symptoms of fracture include pain, limb at an odd angle or inability to use a limb. If you suspect your pet is suffering from a fracture, muzzle your pet and look for bleeding. If bleeding is present, see if you can control it without causing further injury. Do NOT try to set the fracture by pulling or tugging at limb. Transport to the vet immediately, supporting the injured part as best you can.
     The symptoms of poisoning include convulsions, diarrhoea, salivation, weakness, and depression pain. If you suspect that your pet has been poisoned, record what the pet ingested and its amount then immediately call the veterinarian. Do not try to induce vomiting. If toxins are on the skin or coat, ask your vet for directions on if and how to wash them off.
     The symptoms of heatstroke include rapid or laboured breathing, vomiting, high body temperature, and collapse. If your pet is suffering from heatstroke, place your pet in a tub of cool water, or gently wrap in a cool wet towel. Do not overcool animal. Stop when rectal temperature reaches 39 degrees Celsius.
These situations may not require immediate veterinarian care, but it is best to consult the vet to be sure:
     If  your pet is vomiting, withhold food for 12-14 hours then slowly increase the amount of water and foods given over a 24 hour period.
      If your pet is suffering from diarrhoea, withhold food for 12-14 hours, but not water. Avoid home treatments as they can make the situation worse. Consult the veterinarian for the best treatment for your pet.
Be safe, not sorry
Responsible pet owners keep their pets from harm by keeping them close at all times while outdoors, removing dangerous substances from their reach in the home, keeping all medical files and vaccines up-to-date and ensuring pets are clearly identified. It is also beneficial in an emergency situation if your pet is healthy and happy, so make sure they get a nutritional diet, plenty of exercise and of course, lots of love.

About the Author

Blue Plus Vet provides a wide range of vet and animal services in their Wagga Wagga vet clinic and also in clinics located in Junee, Hillston and Griffith. for more pet care information and details on Blue Plus Vet products and services.


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