
Showing posts from May, 2011

Common Viral Infections in Cats: Basic Knowledge (Part 1)

               Cats are animals which possess a high level of curiosity. Sometimes this behavioral instinct leads them to be in contact with some pathogens from their environment or from other animals which may be carriers of diseases. To give you a brief rundown, here are the most common viral infections that may affect them. As pet owners it is our responsibility to at least understand and have a little knowledge of these posing threats. Viral rhinitis ·         Commonly known as influenza in cats. ·         There are 2 viruses involved: the feline calicivirus and feline herpesvirus. ·         Common signs typically are coughing and sneezing, there is apparent discharge from the nose and eyes. The cat shows a distressful behavior and may exhibit some ulceration on the mouth or tongue. The cat usually gives a rasping sound as a result of t...

Dog Behaviour Tips and Tricks

     When a person brings home a puppy from the pet store or from a rescue shelter, there are a handful of individuals that he/she will look to for help as he/she begins to take care of his/her new pet. Veterinarians are the ones dog owners approach in case of health problems, while dog trainers are handy when the time comes for the puppy to be trained in proper behavior. For those who don't have money to spend on dog training and behavioral sessions, they can always read self-help books concerning dog behavior tips and tricks that they can easily teach their pet.      The first behavior owners can notice in their dog is its incessant barking. Those who dream of having their puppy or dog stop barking permanently are deluded; barking is a dog's way of speaking, and having its vocal cords cut is plain cruel. Besides, a barking dog is a good alarm in case a robber gets inside the house or something amiss happens around the house. However, long bouts of barkin...

Hermit Crabs: Some Basic Information

As great as hermit crabs are to keep as pets, it's no surprise that you're looking for info on these fun little critters. Most people know little about these "oh so unique" pets, but I'd like to change that. The following article will include some of the basic information that anyone interested in "adopting" them should know. "Hermies" are quite different from many other common pets. They are easy to take care of, inexpensive to purchase and maintain, and are just plain cool! Add to that the fact they can be found in just about any pet store, and you've got one good candidate for a new pet. In the interest of getting you informed, I'll explain what hermit crabs are, and then I'll expound on why I think they make such terrific pets. When you see these shelled creatures at your local pet store, you're looking at land-based or terrestrial hermit crab. This type of crab belongs to the family of coenobitidae. These creatures are ...

Caring For Siamese Fighting Fish

New to becoming a Betta Owner. Then you should know of Siamese Fighting Fish Care. Has to which factors are important in ensuring the well being of your fish. Siamese Fighting Fish are about 3 inches in length. They are found in different number of colors such as blue's, green's, red's, yellow's etc which makes them eye catchy.Siamese Fighting Fish has the scientific name of Beta Splendens. Both Male And Female can live in the same environment but males tend to get a little more than females also if in a confined tank and you have a lot of Siamese fish then they might adapt hostile attitude.So make sure that you have sufficient space for the fish to swim. Another thing you should take of is to not use too many rocks or such decorations which can cause the fish to be stuck in it. Maintaining the fish tank and ensuring the it has clean water is utmost essential and directly effects the health of your fish. Also it is good to have the tank or fish bowl covered as yo...

Odd Dog Behaviors: Decoded!

Why is he doing that? How many times have you caught sweet old Domino chasing his tail, scooting across the living room rug, biting his own foot or shaking his head and wondered "what is that all about?" A handful, or should I say a "pawful" of these odd dog behaviors are finally explained! Tail Chasing: Play can come in a whole lot of flavors and for dogs, when nothing is going on and boredom sets in, sometimes your own tail is the best plaything around! Often, but not always, tail chasing is nothing more than boredom and play, egged on by an owner's laughter. While tail chasing sure looks like playful antics and nothing more, some interesting research has recently been published. Apparently, there is a correlation between high cholesterol levels and tail chasing behaviors. Before you rush to check Hector's blood levels, though, check a few other things first. Fleas, ticks, an injury, or an anal gland problem can all lean to tail chasing. If chasing leads...

5 Cat Behaviour Problems And How To Treat Them

     You cannot discipline cats as you would dogs. Cats form social groups by necessity and based on respecting territory, rather than respecting "top dog". Use of punishment will only teach your cat to fear you. It is better to train cats into behaviour that is alternative or incompatible to the problem behavior.     Prevention, or making certain behaviors impossible is another tactic, such as keeping food in containers and breakable, dangerous (or irresistible) objects out of reach. The key is to train your cat away from undesirable behavior as soon and as young as possible, give praise and treats when they demonstrate acceptable behaviour - and to remain consistent! 1. Scratching      Cats need to scratch! It is essential to their need to maintain their main source of defense, sharpen and wear down their claws and to develop strong sinewy muscles. Scratching is also a way for the cat to leave his scent. Destructiv...

7 Common Dog Behaviour Problems And How To Treat Them

           Pets, like people, are sensitive to factors that may result in unwanted behaviours. Poor training, change in routine or environment, or specific instinctual pet characteristics may be some of the reasons why your pet is misbehaving. Contrary to what some believe, pets are "not trying to get back" at owners for any reason. All behaviour is a form of communication. It's our job as owners to try to understand and help our pet overcome undesirable habits. 1. Digging      Some dogs may have a naturally greater digging instinct. Dogs dig out of boredom, so make sure there are toys for your dog to play with outdoors. Extra exercise may help. Always provide a cool shady place for your dog to rest. Dogs dig in cool soil to find relief from the heat. Don't use blood or bone meal to fertilize your garden - the scent may be irresistible. There are some products on the market that create a scent that is repugnant to animals that can be put in a...

Basic First Aid For Pets

           Owners that have a basic knowledge of pet first aid are better able to give their pet a fighting chance in an emergency. Basic first aid skills can help keep your pet alive, alleviate pain and suffering and prevent further harm when transporting the animal to the veterinarian or hospital. Do not panic, protect yourself from injury and prepare in advance      When faced with an injured or severely ill pet, take a moment and assess the situation. Decide if there is danger of further injury to the animal or first aid giver. Ensure that you will not be injured, either by the surroundings or the animal. Determine if the pet needs to be moved immediately.      How you approach an injured pet safely is important. Animals may respond to pain and fear instinctively and react with aggression. You cannot assume a docile pet will not bite. Try to remain calm and speak in a soothing voice. Towels may be used to cover the pet's he...

Sources Of Pet Stress

     Even pets can suffer from stress. Stressed pets live unhealthy lives and are burdensome to their owners. You owe it to yourself and your pet to keep stress out of your lives. There are many sources that can cause stress for a pet. Here are some of them.      You. The pet and its owner have an undeniable bond. If you are stressed yourself, or if you are depressed, unhappy or anxious, your pet will pick up on it. Your pet can sense your emotions through their senses and they will be influenced by it. If the person you love is sad, you'll be sad too. Same thing with your pets.      Sickness. Especially sickness that lasts a long time. If your pet isn't getting better there must be a reason. Stress is one of those possibilities. It could be that the sickness made your pet more prone to stress. But whatever the true reason is, you will have to find out. Place your attention on the situation and be sure to be prepared for any situation tha...