
Showing posts from June, 2011

What To Do When Your Pet Has Recurring Urinary Infections

About one out of every seven pets become infected with a urinary tract infection serious enough to require treatment, with about half of those infections becoming a chronic long-term condition known as a recurring urinary infections. It is also safe to say that seventy percent of all cases will be female and that most will involve pets who are advanced in age, have diabetes mellitus, are prone to stones in the urinary tract, have some sort of bladder condition, or are on long-term corticosteroid therapy. As you can see there are many reasons that could make a pet susceptible to recurring urinary tract infections. It might also be helpful to know that infections of the urinary tract can be acquired through oral ingestion of bacterial laden food or water that is spread through the blood or by opportunistic bacteria gaining access through the urethra and working its way up the urinary tract to the bladder and worst case scenario to the kidneys. *So the first rule of thumb for ridding you...

Dog Training in Simple Steps

You must remember that patience is your biggest virtue when dog training. Fear of punishment will simply make your dog confused. By simply ignoring your dog you will send him a clear enough message that he should not repeat that particular behaviour. Your dog might do the wrong thing several times but patience and persistence will win through in the end. Your dog just wants to please you and this is the key to him learning how to obey you. Dog training is essentially a process of instant positive reinforcement, it should be fun for both you and your dog and neither of you should be getting bored with the process. Bearing this in mind you should limit training periods to no more than about 15 minutes a day. Initially you should use a quiet area of your home or garden and start with basic commands like heel, sit, stay and come. Praise him as soon as he does something right, ignore wrong behavior. Reinforce the praise with a small treat. You don't want to make your dog fat so small t...